Our history
In 2002, Philippe NEUVILLE created and developed the firm Présence Conseil, specializing in the prevention of PsychoSocial Risks and support in crisis situations at work.
With his expertise, he joined forces 20 years later with Bérangère HITTINGER to continue to bring prevention to life and provide tailor-made responses to the needs of professional structures.
Together, they create Présence Digital, the first platform that connects customers and experts in the field for a tailor-made and real-time self-diagnosis of psychological and psychosocial issues. Digital innovation in crisis management is born!

Our mission
The will of Présence Digital is to provide quality solutions and within 4 hours maximum to the problem described by a client. Express your need and we will produce a diagnosis and then develop an action plan that will be deployed in the field by one of our local experts.
Présence Digital is part of a dynamic of strategic advice and recommendations, for each user of the platform.

Our engagement
By combining the expertise acquired by Présence Conseil with the technological and analytical capabilities of Présence Digital, our solutions provide each professional structure with relevant decision-making support.
We are committed to dealing with each problem that is formulated to us and to presenting you with an immediate diagnosis. In a few hours, an expert specialized in the management of trauma situations will carry out an additional analysis of your needs, before effective management on site or remotely, according to your requirements and constraints.
Our approach
Unlike many other platforms, Presence Digital offers a value creation model thanks to our secure proprietary data analysis approach, accessible via the platform. The objective is to offer a multidimensional program that is curative, preventive, predictive and participatory.
- Preventive1Deploy intervention strategies to anticipate the occurrence of problems in the face of the presence of risk factors.
- Curative2Take charge of problematic situations, face-to-face or remotely, to eliminate or reduce their impacts.
- Predictive3Analyze the data collected to guide decision-making towards actions adapted to a specific context.